Friday, May 11, 2012

A place for tools

Our new small but mighty permanent "Dave's Tool Shed" is ready to use!

There's a place for a broom and garden tools ...

... a seed exchange and first aid kit ...

 Walt's organic fertilizer and various other gardening supplies.

We even have a growing library of gardening books ready when you have a question when you're on site.

Hooks for the garden cart are on the outside, with garden buckets/totes, burlap & bamboo poles for all to use tucked in alongside.

Special thanks to Peter Wilson, who took the lead on working out all the design details based on the sketchy input from site co-coords & gardeners, and volunteered his great craftsmanship over many hours with beautiful and durable results. He also donated the metal roofing material.

Thanks also go to Salat Tawinwong & Toby Thaler for helping out with construction, and to Jack Tompkinson for the glass tiles.

And of course we're so grateful to Judie Clarridge and the Clarridge family for funding. The tool shed project, which is named in memory of her late husband Dave, who was instrumental in getting Hazel Heights off the ground.